Celebrate all the moments of your life

Online invitations to celebrate all of life’s moments

Personalize a beautiful invitation with our templates library
Deliver invitations from your device via email
See who has added plus-ones with RSVP Management Tools

Take your event to the next level

Invitation templates for every event
Make it yours with photos & videos
All of our templates are full-screen, interactive, and put your guests into the experience
User-friendly solution for both mobile and desktop

Celebrate all the moments of your life

Children's party
Business Events

Easily send invitations

Choose invitation template
Put event
Choose gifting
Add guests and send invitations!

Did you know that 2 out of 5 people lie about liking a gift?


Something to celebrate with gifts involved?

Finally, no need to limit yourself with those random gifts or traditional gift cards. Think big!
Create a list of dream gifts that really matter:
The next epic trip?
A new e-bike?
Or may be even a pet lama?
Anything becomes possible when your friends chip in!

Friends, family and collegues are breaking their heads while thinking of a gift that matters and fits their budget.

With a magic link you invite them to contribute into what makes you really happy
They can easily contribute any amount, digitally from anywhere. It is super easy and fun as they add video messages to make your dream gift personal and memorable

Enjoy the ka-ching sound as the money contributions are streaming and fund your dream.

Best part:
You can cash it out to your bank account
Thank your friends for their contributions
Spend this money anytime, anywhere
For anything! No strings attached. We mean it

Unlock all features with premium!

Unlimited invitations
Invite UNLIMITED guests via text or email
Customize with YOUR photos
Choose a designer color theme
No ads!
Customize with our pro photos & videos
Manage & track RSVPs
In-app messaging
Sharable link for social media
Start now